AberCollab Case Studies

Giving a voice to marginalised writers

A Marginalised Writers’ Takeover Day was held in July 2024, bringing together writers, publishers, charities and activists from across Wales to discuss barriers to participation in writing and publishing and to create new connections.
During the day, a variety of panels discussed ideas around identity, gender, race, exclusion, mental and physical health and creativity. Key speakers included writer and editor Durre Shawar; Gwyllion Magazine; Richard Davies, publishing director of Parthian Books, and artist and writer Joshua Jones. There was an open mic session in the evening which featured the work of over 20 established and emerging writers.
Organised by the University’s Centre for Creativity and Wellbeing with funding from the Dialogue Centre’s AberCollab programme, the event attracted additional funding from Literature Wales as well as sponsorship from Parthian Books and Inclusive Journalism Cymru. Forty people attended in person, with around ten participants joining online.

Dr Jacqueline Yallop, a Reader in Creative Writing and Director of the Aberystwyth University Research Centre for Creativity and Wellbeing, said: “The event proved hugely successful in bringing people together and getting them talking. Immediate feedback suggested the format had worked well and that participants are keen to build on the day.
“There was clear enthusiasm for a vibrant network of this kind that brings writers and publishers together across Wales to share experiences and opportunities, and begins to break down systemic barriers. As organisers, we are gathering more extensive feedback and looking at ways to establish a sustainable network, with the University’s Centre for Creativity and Wellbeing acting as a hub for knowledge exchange and activities.”