Penguins, Rhinos, and Poverty: tackling uncomfortable questions in biodiversity conservation

Event No: 355 (Spring Stage at the Hay Festival 2024)
Speakers: Darrell Abernethy talks to Jennifer Wolowic
Date/time: 1:00pm, Sunday 2 June 2024
Wildlife and ecosystems across the globe face enormous threats, but identifying conservation priorities and approaches poses many challenging questions. How do we balance the desire to protect threatened wildlife species with the needs of human populations? Who decides? Join a conversation between the Head of Aberystwyth University’s School of Veterinary Science, Professor Darrell Abernethy, and a representative from the World Wildlife Federation to explore how some of the world’s most treasured species are being impacted by human activities and natural crises.
This session promises to be an enlightening exploration of the challenges facing biodiversity conservation today.
For more information about the sessions and to purchase a ticket please visit the Hay Festival website.